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Tab og vind med samme sindn/a
[lit: lose and win with same mind]
Gammel kærlighed ruster ikkeOld love never dies
[lit: old love rusts not]
Hvad man ikke ved, har man ikke ondt afWhat the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't feel
That which you do not know, will not hurt you
Uden mad og drikke duer helten ikken/a
[lit: without food and drink the hero won't work]
Tale er sølv, tavshed er guldSilence is golden
[lit: talk is silver, silence is gold]
Fra børn og fulde folk skal man høre sandheden(latin equiv: In vino veritas)
[lit: from children and drunk people shall you hear the truth]
Hvo intet vover intet vinderHe who dares wins
Tyv tror hver mand stjælerIt takes one to know one
[lit: thief thinks every man steals]
Man skal kravle før man kan gåYou must crawl before you can walk
Der er ingen ko på isenNo problems here/Easy peasy
[lit: there is no cow on the ice]