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Have you got any pets?
Har du nogle kæledyr?Have you got any pets?
Ja, jeg har en katYes, I have a cat
Ja, jeg har to hundeYes, I have two dogs
What are they called?
Hundene hedder Bulle og OskarThe dogs are called Bulle and Oskar
Katten hedder MilleThe cat is called Mille
What do they do?
Hundene kan lide at gå turThe dogs like to go for a walk
De kan også lide at rende løs i skovenThey also like to run off the lead in the forest
Katten Mille er en udendørskatMille, the cat, is an out-doors cat
Hun kan lide at rende rundt om nattenShe likes to run around at night time
Do they behave?
Det er en god hundIt is a good dog
Why use 'det' when you say 'en hund'? Read More
Den bider ikkeIt doesn't bite
Det er en sød katIt is a sweet cat
Why use 'det' when you say 'en kat'? Read More
Men hendes klør river lidtBut her claws scratch a bit

Notice that you say Det er en god hund even though hund is common gender (en).

That is because you use the pronoun det (it) temporarily as in det regner (it is raining). Read more about the Formal Subject here