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What is it?

The relative pronouns points back to a previous subject or object, e.g. Min kone, som bruger briller, kan ikke se skiltet (My wife, who wears glasses, can't see the sign).

The Rules
Rule of thumb
som can always be used
der can only be used when 'pointing back' to a subject

Always put a comma before som and der
Min kone, som bruger briller, kan ikke se skiltetMy wife, who uses glasses, can't see the sign
'som' is here refering to the subject 'Min kone'
pMine børn gav mig en gave, som jeg er rigtig glad forMy children gave me a present that I really like
'som' is here refering to the object 'en gave'
Pigen, der kørte på en rød cykel, var hurtigstThe girl that drove a red bike, was quickest
'der' can only be used when refering to subjects